For Natsec Innovation?
May 16, 2023 |
Washington, DC
Second Front's annual Offset Symposium promotes constructive engagement between the venture-backed innovation ecosystem, traditional defense base, academia, and national security mission users to accelerate the development and scaling of new technologies for national security.
Acquisition Warfare logo
The upcoming Offset Symposium: Acquisition Warfare is set to take place in Detroit, Michigan, Dates TBD.

Directly linked to the National Defense Strategy, the theme of Acquisition Warfare focuses on mechanisms for technological advances and organizational change to gain competitive advantage through agile acquisition. Acquisition Warfare demands continuous and secure access between commercial and government entities to develop and deploy technological innovations to compete in today’s threat landscape.

Join us and explore the development and deployment of new capabilities for U.S. and Allied national security.
Industry Experts Icon
top-tier speakers and attendees
Determine how to make innovation more than a buzzword and actually deliver for national security.
Collaboration Icon
Connect with industry and government executives and teams to explore opportunities for future partnerships.
Technology and Security Icon
Peruse a collection of DoD-accredited and soon-to-be accredited software available in IL2, IL4, and IL5 environments.
8:00 - 9:00 am
From ships to tanks to F35s—every defense system is now a form factor for software. Listen as Peter Dixon, CEO of Second Front Systems, sets the stage for Offset Symposium 2023 discussing the central role software plays in the U.S. and Allied National Security landscape today—and what changes the DoD and Intelligence Communities must make to evolve and become agile in this evolving arena. For a legacy institution like the Department of Defense to fit with layers upon layers of bureaucracy, this can either be a condemning reality or a transformational opportunity. Facing this head-on requires new mental and operating models diffused throughout the institution.
9 - 9:20 am
The State of U.S. National Security
Join us as Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, Congresswoman representing Pennsylvania’s 6th District, and Rep. Don Bacon, Congressman representing Nebraska 2nd District, both members of the House Armed Services Committee, discuss the challenges the U.S. faces in maintaining our leadership on the global stage. From polarization across our population to competition with peer competitors, we’re in the midst of a critical point in our history that’s challenging our democratic ideals and values. Addressing this will require strong leadership and a holistic approach to building partnerships across government, private capital, tech companies, international allies, and defense primes.
9:20 - 9:50 am
FireSide Chat
Innovation ≠ National Security
Innovation, left to its own devices, often follows market signals or leadership whims. Phones become smaller, bigger, lighter, heavier. Agencies host challenges, pitch competitions, workshops. A flurry of activity occurs, but lacks direction toward delivering value. In this fireside chat with Gen. (Ret.) John W. Raymond, former Chief of Space Operations of the U.S. Space Force, and Sally Donnelly, founding partner at Pallas Advisors, we’ll discuss how government agencies must move beyond the self-limiting idea of impartiality and neutrality to create tangible outcomes for U.S. National Security. The DoD and IC must set a clear path forward, attract critical stakeholders and capabilities, and not fear backing winners.
9:50 - 10:25 am
10:35 - 11:00 am
Private vs. Government Funding
For this all-star panel, our speakers will discuss the government's unique role in de-risking emerging markets before becoming a buyer and crowding-in private capital to support further innovation and commercialization. In the DoD’s case, there are plenty of tools available to create mutually-beneficial deals that deliver value for the mission and companies alike. They’ll cover what’s needed to do this well, where there’s opportunity for further improvement, and how these entities can ultimately deliver the best in commercial tech to National Security professionals.
11:00 - 11:45 am
The Role of the Primes in Emerging Tech - Making the Case for Partnerships
Tune into this engaging session session to hear about the role primes play and how they can support the structural changes needed to meet increasingly dynamic present-day challenges. Prime contractors have something of a bad rap. Their consolidation between the ‘60s and ‘80s and subsequent growth contributed to a slow-moving industrial base resistant to change. But this doesn’t mean primes should be excluded from the innovation conversation when they play such an integral role in equipping the DoD with tools to accomplish their mission.
11:45 am - 12:30 pm
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Stories of Scale - Tech Leadership Lessons Learned
Join this can’t miss-conversation to better understand how companies and the DoD alike have to make strategic choices about who they work with, how they acquire technology and services, and by which means they invest in continuously improving their capabilities. Unfortunately for both, the barriers to entry can appear insurmountable and deter plenty of willing companies from delivering their tech for national security. Lucky for our audience, we’re pulling together a panel of entrepreneurs in FVEY (Five Eyes) companies to discuss their paths to success in this space. They’ll discuss everything from developing a federal go-to-market strategy, securing your first contract, building the right relationships, and more.
3:30 - 4:15 pm
Closing Remarks
4:15 - 4:30 pm
Happy Hour
4:30 - 6:30pm
© 2024 Second Front Systems, Inc.