Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) represents a modern software development and deployment practice aimed at streamlining the development process and ensuring the efficient, high-quality delivery of software applications.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) represents a modern software development and deployment practice aimed at streamlining the development process and ensuring the efficient, high-quality delivery of software applications. Continuous integration involves the automation of code integration from individual developers into a shared code repository multiple times a day. Each integration triggers automated tests to identify any code integration issues, allowing teams to catch and rectify problems early in the development cycle. This practice promotes collaboration, minimizes integration challenges, and enhances code stability. Continuous delivery builds upon continuous integration by automating the entire deployment process. It ensures that code changes that pass continuous integration tests are automatically deployed to production or staging environments, making new features and updates readily available for testing or release to end-users. Continuous delivery minimizes manual intervention, accelerates software delivery, and reduces the risk of deployment errors. Game Warden, developed by Second Front Systems, seamlessly integrates CI/CD pipelines into its DevSecOps framework, enhancing the software development and deployment process for defense software.

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