Episode Description
Episode 23, Season 2. Today on All Quiet, Tyler and IntelliBridge's Mike Pansky annihilate clichés about working in defense tech and startups. Together, they question the status quo on systems integration and government contracts while emphasizing the game-changing power of teamwork. Mike’s quick takes on vulnerable supply chains and the new rules of warfare offers a fresh perspective and shakes up the market.
What’s Happening on the Second Front:
- The unconventional path to defense tech
- The challenges of the SI model and the opportunities for change
- AI in Business: Job killer or productivity booster
- Why we need mutual incentives for government and business collaboration
- Importance of procurement in government contracts: The struggle to find the right vehicle for a great product
Connect with Mike:
- LinkedIn: Mike Pansky
Connect with Tyler:
- LinkedIn: Tyler Sweatt
- Website: secondfront.com
Catch 2F’s Offset Symposium replay here.
This show is produced by Soulfire Productions